He also must picture the target’s face so that he won’t kill a different person with the same name.

He can also specify the time and manner of a person’s death, as long as he writes those details down within 6 minutes and 40 seconds of deciding on a victim. Light discovers that he can kill anyone just by writing their name in the notebook. A slim black notebook falls from the sky and lands in the lap of 17-year-old Light Yagami. The premise of Death Note would seem to be eminently translatable, a kind of cross between Dexter and American Gods.

Death note 2006 anime series#
But the setting and the casting only scratch the surface of how deeply director Adam Wingard has robbed Death Note of its identity, messing up nearly everything that made the original series so compelling.
Death note 2006 anime movie#
So when Netflix announced that it was making a live-action movie of the franchise set in Seattle instead of Tokyo, and that starred white actor Nat Wolff as the protagonist Light Yagami, who in turn would be renamed Light Turner, accusations of whitewashing flew thick and fast. It sold more than 30 million copies in Japan, and was turned into an anime television show that had crossover success with American audiences. Death Note was an immensely popular Japanese manga series that ran from 2003 to 2006.